550+ Chicken Names Unique and Catchy Names

Chickens aren’t just farm animals; they’re quirky, lovable, and full of personality! Whether you’re naming a pet hen, a feisty rooster, or a whole flock, finding the perfect name is essential.

This list of 557 chicken names is packed with fun, creative, and unique ideas to help you choose the best name for your feathered friend.

Chicken Names

🥚 Classic and Traditional Chicken Names

  1. Clucky
  2. Pecky
  3. Nugget
  4. Drumstick
  5. Rooster
  6. Chickadee
  7. Feathers
  8. Peeper
  9. Beaky
  10. Scratch
  11. Red
  12. Henny
  13. Foghorn
  14. Banty
  15. Coop

🌟 Funny Chicken Names

  1. Colonel Sanders
  2. Eggbert
  3. Yolko Ono
  4. Chick Norris
  5. Hen Solo
  6. Scramble
  7. Omelette
  8. Drumstick
  9. Fryer
  10. Popcorn
  11. Butterball
  12. Tenders
  13. Rotisserie
  14. Cluck Skywalker
  15. Eggatha Christie

💖 Cute Chicken Names

  1. Fluffy
  2. Daisy
  3. Bubbles
  4. Chickpea
  5. Honey
  6. Pebbles
  7. Snickers
  8. Coco
  9. Cupcake
  10. Sprinkles
  11. Tilly
  12. Buttercup
  13. Marshmallow
  14. Cookie
  15. Pumpkin

🏆 Famous Chicken Names from Pop Culture

  1. Foghorn Leghorn
  2. Camilla (Gonzo’s chicken from The Muppets)
  3. Hei Hei (from Moana)
  4. Lady Cluck (from Robin Hood)
  5. Ginger (from Chicken Run)
  6. Rocky (from Chicken Run)
  7. Sheldon (from Garfield)
  8. Plucky (from Tiny Toon Adventures)
  9. Egghead Jr. (Looney Tunes)
  10. Big Bird (Sesame Street)

🎭 Fancy and Elegant Chicken Names

  1. Duchess
  2. Baroness
  3. Count Cluckula
  4. Madame Featherington
  5. Sir Pecks-a-Lot
  6. Lady Clucklesworth
  7. Queenie
  8. Princess Lay-a
  9. Lord Roostington
  10. Henrietta

🌿 Nature-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Willow
  2. Rose
  3. Daisy
  4. Maple
  5. Clover
  6. Hazel
  7. Fern
  8. Blossom
  9. Ivy
  10. Poppy

🍗 Food-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Waffles
  2. Popcorn
  3. Biscuit
  4. Gravy
  5. Butter
  6. Macaroni
  7. Noodles
  8. Caramel
  9. Cinnamon
  10. Pudding
  11. Jellybean
  12. Tater Tot
  13. Peaches
  14. Muffin
  15. Mocha

🚜 Farm-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Tractor
  2. Rusty
  3. Bessie
  4. Cowboy
  5. Patches
  6. Buck
  7. Clover
  8. Maize
  9. Cornbread
  10. Rooster Cogburn

🔥 Spicy and Fiery Chicken Names

  1. Pepper
  2. Sriracha
  3. Jalapeño
  4. Chili
  5. Cayenne
  6. Hot Wings
  7. Tabasco
  8. Habanero
  9. Firecracker
  10. Blaze

🎩 Historical & Royalty-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Napoleon
  2. Julius Ceasar
  3. Cleopatra
  4. Victoria
  5. George Cluckington
  6. Abraham Clucklin
  7. Cluckopatra
  8. King Henry the Peckth
  9. Joan of Cluck
  10. Marie Eggtoinette

🎶 Musical Chicken Names

  1. Beyoncé
  2. Cluck Jagger
  3. Elvis
  4. Dolly Part-hen
  5. Lady Gaga
  6. Chicki Minaj
  7. Pecky G
  8. Hen-Z
  9. Taylor Swiftwing
  10. Yolko Ono

🌎 Exotic and Foreign-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Señor Pollo (Spanish for Mr. Chicken)
  2. Coq au Vin (French dish)
  3. Gallina (Spanish for hen)
  4. Aves (Latin for birds)
  5. Poulet (French for chicken)
  6. Tori (Japanese for bird)
  7. Kuro (Japanese for black, for black chickens)
  8. Chook (Australian slang for chicken)
  9. Peri-Peri
  10. Biryani

🏋️ Strong and Tough Chicken Names

  1. Hercules
  2. Thor
  3. Tank
  4. Cluckzilla
  5. Bruiser
  6. Rocky
  7. Titan
  8. Rambo
  9. Hulk
  10. Beast

🌙 Mystical and Magical Chicken Names

  1. Luna
  2. Midnight
  3. Raven
  4. Twilight
  5. Stardust
  6. Eclipse
  7. Nebula
  8. Phoenix
  9. Mystic
  10. Hocus Pocus

🔍 Detective & Mysterious Chicken Names

  1. Sherlock Cluck
  2. Egglock Holmes
  3. Inspector Peck
  4. Miss Marpeck
  5. Cluck Poirot

🏆 Sporty Chicken Names

  1. Kobe
  2. Cluck Jordan
  3. Messi
  4. Serena Peckliams
  5. Tiger Wingoods

🐤 Adorable Baby Chick Names

  1. Peewee
  2. Tiny
  3. Chicklet
  4. Pip
  5. Fluffball
  6. Nibbles
  7. Bubbles
  8. Fuzzy
  9. Cheepers
  10. Waddles
  11. Doodle
  12. Sunny
  13. Tinkerbell
  14. Cuddles
  15. Giggles

🏳️‍🌈 Color-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Snowflake (for white chickens)
  2. Midnight (for black chickens)
  3. Ruby (for red chickens)
  4. Goldie (for golden chickens)
  5. Copper
  6. Cocoa
  7. Ash
  8. Amber
  9. Pearl
  10. Jet

🌌 Galaxy & Space-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Star
  2. Nova
  3. Meteor
  4. Cosmic
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Astro
  8. Orion
  9. Comet
  10. Pluto

🌲 Outdoor & Adventure-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Ranger
  2. Hunter
  3. Scout
  4. Timber
  5. Everest
  6. Stormy
  7. River
  8. Breeze
  9. Canyon
  10. Shadow

🎭 Celebrity-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Cluck Gyllenhaal
  2. Egg Sheeran
  3. Benedict Eggberbatch
  4. Hen Affleck
  5. Brad Peck
  6. Leonardo DiCluckrio
  7. Keanu Peeps
  8. Morgan Free-Range
  9. Chick Diesel
  10. Pecky Chan

🍯 Sweet-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Honey
  2. Sugar
  3. Toffee
  4. Cocoa
  5. Brownie
  6. Pudding
  7. Fudge
  8. Caramel
  9. Peaches
  10. Taffy

🎨 Art & Literature-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Picasso
  2. Monet
  3. Shakespeare
  4. Poe
  5. Van Gogh
  6. Da Vinci
  7. Hemingway
  8. Twain
  9. Austen
  10. Dickens

🔪 Villain-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Cluckerface (Leatherface)
  2. Darth Pecker
  3. Voldemort
  4. Joker
  5. Hannibal Peckter
  6. Loki
  7. Thanos
  8. Sauron
  9. Maleficent
  10. Kylo Hen

🎃 Spooky & Halloween Chicken Names

  1. Boo
  2. Spooky
  3. Dracula
  4. Banshee
  5. Phantom
  6. Ghosty
  7. Pumpkin
  8. Witchy
  9. Midnight
  10. Cobweb

🏰 Fantasy & Mythology-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Merlin
  2. Gandalf
  3. Zeus
  4. Medusa
  5. Thor
  6. Phoenix
  7. Titan
  8. Apollo
  9. Hades
  10. Athena

🚗 Car-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Mustang
  2. Chevy
  3. Ford
  4. Diesel
  5. Turbo
  6. Camaro
  7. Bentley
  8. Ferrari
  9. Charger
  10. Viper

🎥 Movie-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Indiana Clucks
  2. Egg Skywalker
  3. Hen Solo
  4. Cluck Sparrow
  5. Rocky
  6. Rambo
  7. Neo
  8. Scarface
  9. Maverick
  10. Yoda

🎮 Gaming-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Mario
  2. Luigi
  3. Sonic
  4. Pikachu
  5. Bowser
  6. Zelda
  7. Kratos
  8. Kirby
  9. Toad
  10. Link

🌾 Farm Life Chicken Names

  1. Cornflake
  2. Barley
  3. Oats
  4. Haystack
  5. Wheatley
  6. Plow
  7. Tractor
  8. Cattle
  9. Barny
  10. Dandelion

💀 Pirate-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Captain Cluckbeard
  2. Blackbeak
  3. Pegleg Pecky
  4. Feathered Buccaneer
  5. Jolly Rooster
  6. Crow’s Nest
  7. Swashbuckler
  8. Captain Squawk
  9. Plunder
  10. Seagull

🏜 Western-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Cowboy
  2. Sheriff
  3. Bandit
  4. Wrangler
  5. Outlaw
  6. Cactus
  7. Dakota
  8. Tex
  9. Bronco
  10. Rodeo

🏝 Tropical Chicken Names

  1. Tiki
  2. Coconut
  3. Mango
  4. Kiwi
  5. Pineapple
  6. Breezy
  7. Lilo
  8. Moana
  9. Aloha
  10. Surfer

🏆 Sports & Athlete-Inspired Chicken Names

  1. Cluck Brady (Tom Brady)
  2. Serena Peckliams
  3. Hen Griffey Jr.
  4. Shaquille O’Peck
  5. Cluck Bryant (Kobe Bryant)
  6. Messi
  7. Ronaldo
  8. Pele
  9. Babe Roost
  10. Tyson Beak

🛸 Sci-Fi & Alien Chicken Names

  1. Cluck 9000
  2. Xenopeck
  3. Martian
  4. Sputnik
  5. Nebula
  6. Alienegg
  7. Orbit
  8. E.T.
  9. Starclucker
  10. Intergalactic

🚀 Superhero-Themed Chicken Names

  1. Iron Hen
  2. The Cluck Knight
  3. Spider-Peck
  4. Captain America
  5. Thorbird
  6. The Incredible Peck
  7. Doctor Eggstrange
  8. Superchick
  9. Henpool
  10. Wonder Wing

🎤 Singer & Musician Chicken Names

  1. Dolly Part-hen
  2. Elvis Peckley
  3. Henoncé
  4. Peck Jagger
  5. Madonna
  6. Clucken Bieber
  7. Taylor Swiftwing
  8. Pecky G
  9. Cardi Beak
  10. Egg Sheeran

🏡 Cozy & Homely Chicken Names

  1. Cinnamon
  2. Muffin
  3. Waffles
  4. Biscuit
  5. Toast
  6. Buttercup
  7. Pudding
  8. Sugar
  9. Maple
  10. Cocoa

🎉 Final Set of Chicken Names

I’ll finish with a rapid list of mixed fun names!

  1. Zippy
  2. Doodle
  3. Scooter
  4. Sprout
  5. Twix
  6. Bambi
  7. Quackers
  8. Jinx
  9. Pogo
  10. Yoyo
  1. Nugget Jr.
  2. Eggnog
  3. Goose
  4. Doodlebug
  5. Churro
  6. Jester
  7. Flip
  8. Poppyseed
  9. Sassy
  10. Snickers
  1. Wobble
  2. Jellybean
  3. Peanut
  4. Noodle
  5. Giggles

🎈 Fun & Unique Chicken Names

  1. Giggles
  2. Wacky
  3. Daffy
  4. Dizzy
  5. Pipsqueak
  6. Sprinkles
  7. Jolly
  8. Peppy
  9. Tater Tot
  10. Pudding Pop
  11. Zazu
  12. Chatterbox
  13. Jumpy
  14. Snappy
  15. Tippy
  16. Marshmallow
  17. Popcorn
  18. Cookie
  19. Butterscotch
  20. Waffles
  21. Pancake
  22. Fizz
  23. Wiggles
  24. Bubbles
  25. Fuzzy
  26. Nibbles
  27. Zesty
  28. Muffin
  29. Gumdrop
  30. Peep
  31. Sizzle
  32. Twinkle
  33. Skippy
  34. Jitterbug
  35. Lollipop
  36. Mopsy
  37. Cupcake
  38. Happy Feet 🎉


Naming your chicken is a fun way to reflect their personality, appearance, or even your own sense of humor. With this ultimate list of 557 chicken names, you’re sure to find the perfect name for your feathered friend. Whether you go for something funny, cute, unique, or classic, make sure it’s a name that suits your chicken’s character and makes you smile every time you call it!

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