
350+ Turkey Names Unique and Catchy Ideas

When it comes to giving your pet turkey a name, it’s important to pick something that’s not only unique but also memorable.

Whether you’re naming a turkey as part of a farmyard family or just adding a fun twist to your Thanksgiving festivities, a great name can reflect their personality, appearance, or even your sense of humor.

With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 357 Turkey Names that are catchy, funny, and absolutely unique. You’re sure to find the perfect name for your feathered friend!

Turkey Names

Funny Turkey Names

  1. Gobbles
  2. Clucky McCluckface
  3. Drumstick
  4. Mr. Beakster
  5. Sir Flapsalot
  6. Butterball
  7. Feather Duster
  8. Waddleton
  9. Tater Tot
  10. Sizzle
  11. Squawkzilla
  12. Bawk Bawk
  13. Wingnut
  14. Chirpy
  15. Fluffy McFlufferson

Cute Turkey Names

  1. Cinnamon
  2. Peanut
  3. Pudding
  4. Buttercup
  5. Jellybean
  6. Marshmallow
  7. Honey
  8. Biscuit
  9. Daisy
  10. Snickers
  11. Poppy
  12. Sprout
  13. Cookie
  14. Pecan
  15. Twix

Unique Turkey Names

  1. Truffle
  2. Quinoa
  3. Dandelion
  4. Clover
  5. Zinnia
  6. Ember
  7. Mistral
  8. Taffy
  9. Sapphire
  10. Fable
  11. Nimbus
  12. Velour
  13. Echo
  14. Wren
  15. Tundra

Turkey Names Based on Famous Characters

  1. Gandalf
  2. Hermione
  3. Sherlock
  4. Frodo
  5. Simba
  6. Moana
  7. Thor
  8. Buzz
  9. Woody
  10. Elsa
  11. Buzz Lightyear
  12. Wonder Woman
  13. Batman
  14. Superman
  15. Spock

Thanksgiving-Themed Turkey Names

  1. Cranberry
  2. Pilgrim
  3. Harvest
  4. Pumpkin
  5. Autumn
  6. Maple
  7. Stuffing
  8. Gravy
  9. Tater
  10. Cornbread
  11. Nutmeg
  12. Butternut
  13. Pecan Pie
  14. Cider
  15. Sweet Potato

Elegant Turkey Names

  1. Duchess
  2. Baron
  3. Duchess Featherstone
  4. Queenie
  5. Lord Beakerton
  6. Lady Waddleton
  7. Sir Trotter
  8. Lady Fluffington
  9. Prince Wingston
  10. Baroness Plume
  11. Countess Featherly
  12. Lord Gobblesworth
  13. Princess Peep
  14. Duke of Drumsticks
  15. Lady Clucklesworth

Silly Turkey Names

  1. Booger
  2. Pickle
  3. Tater Tot
  4. Wiggly
  5. Gravy Train
  6. Fluffernutter
  7. Butterfart
  8. Bubbles
  9. Jello
  10. Peep-peep
  11. Snappy
  12. Pookie
  13. Wobbles
  14. Fuzzball
  15. Quackers

Tough Turkey Names

  1. Thor
  2. Maximus
  3. Tank
  4. Ace
  5. Gunner
  6. Maverick
  7. Titan
  8. Rocky
  9. Blaze
  10. Hunter
  11. Diesel
  12. Crusher
  13. Rocco
  14. Sarge
  15. Brawn

Country-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Daisy Mae
  2. Buck
  3. Wrangler
  4. Dixie
  5. Tumbleweed
  6. Rowdy
  7. Rusty
  8. Jolene
  9. Rebel
  10. Dusty
  11. Cowboy
  12. Jolene
  13. Olive
  14. Boots
  15. Daisy Belle

Adventurous Turkey Names

  1. Explorer
  2. Scout
  3. Journey
  4. Nomad
  5. Trekker
  6. Atlas
  7. Maverick
  8. Voyager
  9. Compass
  10. Summit
  11. Expedition
  12. Horizon
  13. Pioneering
  14. Wayfarer
  15. Everest

Nerdy Turkey Names

  1. Pixel
  2. Byte
  3. Tetris
  4. Zork
  5. Bot
  6. Gizmo
  7. Sparky
  8. Coder
  9. Java
  10. Circuit
  11. Megabyte
  12. Wifi
  13. Cosmo
  14. Algorithm
  15. Nerdington

Famous Food-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Nacho
  2. Taco
  3. Popcorn
  4. Pretzel
  5. Spaghetti
  6. Risotto
  7. Donut
  8. Pickles
  9. Peaches
  10. Honeybun
  11. Ketchup
  12. Waffles
  13. Bacon
  14. Sriracha
  15. Maple Syrup

Sporty Turkey Names

  1. Dunk
  2. Spike
  3. Slammer
  4. Racer
  5. Striker
  6. Captain
  7. Champ
  8. Coach
  9. Tackle
  10. Dash
  11. Runner
  12. Goalie
  13. Ace
  14. All-Star
  15. Kickstart

Nature-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Willow
  2. Oak
  3. Cedar
  4. Aspen
  5. River
  6. Storm
  7. Sky
  8. Fern
  9. Meadow
  10. Mountain
  11. Glacier
  12. Pine
  13. Daisy
  14. Breeze
  15. Clover

Mythical Turkey Names

  1. Phoenix
  2. Griffin
  3. Unicorn
  4. Medusa
  5. Pegasus
  6. Hydra
  7. Zeus
  8. Loki
  9. Artemis
  10. Apollo
  11. Merlin
  12. Thor
  13. Hades
  14. Atlas
  15. Valkyrie

Historical Turkey Names

  1. Cleopatra
  2. Julius Caesar
  3. Napoleon
  4. Gandhi
  5. Einstein
  6. Churchill
  7. Lincoln
  8. Napoleon
  9. Washington
  10. Cleopatra
  11. Galileo
  12. Shakespeare
  13. Beethoven
  14. Socrates
  15. Da Vinci

Quirky Turkey Names

  1. Fuzzbucket
  2. Noodle
  3. Spaghetti
  4. Pickleberry
  5. Marmalade
  6. Wobblebutt
  7. Snugglepuff
  8. Bloop
  9. Lumpy
  10. Popcorn
  11. Bumble
  12. Cookie Monster
  13. Jellyfish
  14. Puddle
  15. Tickles

Seasonal Turkey Names

  1. Frosty
  2. Snowflake
  3. Pumpkin Spice
  4. Gingerbread
  5. Poinsettia
  6. Blizzard
  7. Tinsel
  8. Holly
  9. Ember
  10. Cocoa
  11. Sleigh
  12. Icicle
  13. Evergreen
  14. Mistletoe
  15. December

Celebrity-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Taylor Swift
  2. Beyoncé
  3. Drake
  4. Oprah
  5. Kim Kardashian
  6. Brad Pitt
  7. Ariana Grande
  8. Leonardo DiCaprio
  9. Rihanna
  10. George Clooney
  11. Tom Hanks
  12. Scarlett Johansson
  13. Will Smith
  14. Lady Gaga
  15. Justin Timberlake

Fun Play on Words Turkey Names

  1. Gobbletrotter
  2. Wingman
  3. Beaknificent
  4. Featherino
  5. Squawk-a-doodle
  6. Waddle-yum
  7. Drumfella
  8. Henny Penny
  9. Peckerhead
  10. Cluck Norris
  11. Fluffernutter
  12. Feathers McGraw
  13. Tofurkey
  14. Gobbleroni
  15. Beak-a-licious

Royal Turkey Names

  1. King Gobble
  2. Queen Beak
  3. Prince Waddle
  4. Lady Fluffington
  5. Duke of Drumsticks
  6. Princess Featherstone
  7. Lord Plume
  8. Baroness Cluckington
  9. Sir Trotter
  10. Countess Featherly
  11. Duchess of Waddle
  12. King of the Roost
  13. Lord of the Feathers
  14. The Empress
  15. Earl of Plumage

Animal-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Bear
  2. Bunny
  3. Tiger
  4. Foxy
  5. Panda
  6. Wolfie
  7. Koala
  8. Kangaroo
  9. Lion
  10. Cheetah
  11. Monkey
  12. Owl
  13. Zebra
  14. Giraffe
  15. Elephant

Food-Themed Turkey Names

  1. Muffin
  2. Waffles
  3. Cookie Dough
  4. Popcorn
  5. Biscuit
  6. Honeybun
  7. Salsa
  8. Nacho
  9. Cupcake
  10. Macaroni
  11. Brownie
  12. Pancake
  13. Jellybean
  14. Tofu
  15. Pop Tart

Fantasy Turkey Names

  1. Seraphina
  2. Drogon
  3. Dumbledore
  4. Smaug
  5. Elrond
  6. Galadriel
  7. Fawkes
  8. Gandalf
  9. Hagrid
  10. Gollum
  11. Sauron
  12. Frodo
  13. Hermione
  14. Legolas
  15. Aragorn

Tech-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Chip
  2. Pixel
  3. Byte
  4. Cloud
  5. Gizmo
  6. Link
  7. Java
  8. Wifi
  9. App
  10. Matrix
  11. Cyber
  12. Siri
  13. Alexa
  14. Cloudy
  15. Circuit

Western-Inspired Turkey Names

  1. Dusty
  2. Buckaroo
  3. Maverick
  4. Wrangler
  5. Lasso
  6. Outlaw
  7. Tumbleweed
  8. Pistol Pete
  9. Sheriff
  10. Roper
  11. Cactus
  12. Saloon
  13. Coyote
  14. Lone Star
  15. Sarsaparilla

Conclusion: The Perfect Turkey Name Awaits!

Choosing the right name for your turkey can be a fun and rewarding experience, whether you’re naming a pet for the farm or just adding some flair to your holiday celebrations. With 357 Turkey Names to choose from, you’re bound to find a name that feels just right for your feathered friend. Whether you’re drawn to funny names, nature-inspired ones, or quirky pop culture references, the perfect name is out there waiting for you.

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